Please review the Recital Show Orders (once available) so that you may have your dancer dressed and ready in their first costume for showtime.
Please use the time before your show to eat, rest (especially our youngest dancers!), and get all prepared for the big performances! When you enter the venue through the front doors there will be helpers and signs guiding you to the correct dressing room area to drop off your student. Their dressing area is where you will also pick up your student at the end of the show. Every student must be signed in and out for safety, and no one can leave their dressing room area until the show is over in its entirety. Dancers should be dropped off in their first costume (with hair and make-up complete) on recital day. Please note that ALL dancers participate in the finale/bows at the end, and cannot be picked up prior to the conclusion of their show. The Friday 6:30pm show will be over at approximately 9pm, and each Saturday show will be over approximately an hour and 20ish mins from its start time.
Non-flash photography and videography are permitted at Stage Rehearsal. Non-flash photography is permitted at the show, but video is NOT permitted at the recital performance. You can order our recital online at anytime from the tab above on our menu bar after the show is completed. If you are seen videoing during the performance, an usher will ask you to leave. This is for the safety of our students and copyright purposes. (If you want to take any photos of your dancers when dropping them off or picking them up in costume, please take them in the lobby of the venue where we have photo areas set up, and not in the dressing rooms where people are changing.)
— Snacks – If you pack a snack for your child, it must be peanut-free and non-messy (ie Goldfish/Nilla Wafers are good options; Skittles/Lollipops are not good options). Water is the only beverage allowed backstage, and must be in a spill-proof (and labeled) cup.
— Belongings – You may pack some items to entertain your child during the show. Please keep in mind that any belongings that enter the dressing room area must be labeled with your child’s full name and stored in a garment bag, backpack, etc (ie. no loose crayons or coloring books that aren’t in a bag). Each child may bring one small, labeled bag backstage in addition to their costumes (the child should be able to carry the bag in their hands or on their back). Please do not send valuable, expensive items backstage (iPad, game systems, etc.) If you do decide to send these with your child, please note that Destination Arts nor the High Point Theatre can be held liable or responsible for the theft or damage of these items. After the conclusion of the show, please return to the same dressing room where you dropped off your child. Please wait patiently, and do not just grab your child without their volunteer checking them out with you. This will guarantee the fastest, safest dismissal possible.
— Label ALL of your items and do not send valuables backstage!
— Students will not be dismissed until after the end of the show. No exceptions!
— Our backstage volunteers help with taking dancers to the restroom, facilitating costume changes, and managing their assigned group. Recital volunteers do not need a ticket to the performance and will be able to watch their dancer’s performance from reserved seating in the front row! Please note that all dancers (and volunteers) are backstage for the duration of the show.
— Make sure your child’s dance shoes are clean and stage ready! A magic eraser or a damp, wet cloth will really freshen up the pink on the ballet shoes!
— Any trophies, recital stuffed animals, recital t-shirts, individual costume photos from picture day and keepsake yearbooks that were pre-ordered can be picked up in the theatre lobby on both rehearsal and recital day. Give your student’s name for pickup. We will have a limited number of extras of each that will be for sale that day as well.
— Make sure you hashtag all of your recital pics and posts with the following!
#DACrecital2024 #DACLegends #10YearsOfDAC