What is the difference between dress rehearsal and stage rehearsal? We will be having IN-STUDIO DRESS REHEARSAL the week of June 3-7 DURING REGULAR CLASS TIME at the dance studio campus where you normally take class. Have your student come dressed in their costume that week (and bring all others). DAC PAC teams only need to bring costumes that have not already been performed in on stage. The classroom mirrors will be covered during this week as well. You do not need to worry about any specific hair or makeup for in-class dress rehearsal, we just need to make sure there aren’t any costume problems or malfunctions while dancing.

We will be having STAGE REHEARSAL at the theatre on Thursday, June 13, as previously stated in our emails and calendars. The exact time schedule for this rehearsal will be sent out closer to the event. This is the most important of all of our rehearsals because we go over spacing, blocking and getting the students used to entering, performing on, and exiting the large and unknown stage. Stage rehearsal will happen in regular dance clothes only, but please don’t forget your dance bag with all of your shoes. Parents and students can sit in the auditorium and watch when they are not performing, and you are only needed for your specific class time slot(s).

Is stage rehearsal at the theatre mandatory? It is important that all of our dancers feel comfortable on stage and feel prepared and set up to succeed during the big show. Not only for themselves, but for their classmates who count on one another. It’s important to get dancers acclimated to the stage and backstage areas. For that reason, stage rehearsal at the theatre on Thursday, June 13 is mandatory to attend (exact times per class will be emailed out closer to the event). If this is just not possible for you for some reason, please contact the studio ASAP.

Do we need makeup for recital and how do we wear our hair? Yes, we prefer that all students (even our youngest dancers) wear some makeup for stage. The bright lights can fade out features so we want to be able to see their beautiful faces! We do, of course, want them above all to still look like kids! Hair can be worn however you would like, as long as it is secured back out of the face (unless you are a DAC PAC team member – then it needs to be worn as you normally do for performances for the duration of the show because of quick costume changes).

What time do we need to arrive for the recital? All dancers will need to arrive at the theatre at 5:30pm for the Friday 6:30pm show, 10:15am for the Saturday 11:00am show, 1:45pm for the Saturday 2:30pm show, and 4:45pm for the Saturday 5:30pm show. Please arrive dressed in your first costume. The show performance orders will be linked on this site once they are available. Please make sure you bring your costume bag with ALL costume pieces, accessories and shoes, and everything is labeled with your dancer’s name. Please arrive with hair and makeup already done. If anyone is in multiple shows and decides to stay at the theatre between shows, you will need to have an adult with you.

How long will the recital be? Each Saturday show will be about an hour and 15 mins to an hour and 30 mins from start to finish with no intermission. The Friday Show (DAC PAC Show) will last about 2.5 hours with a 15 minute intermission built in.

Can parents go backstage? Does my child stay backstage for the whole show? There are no parents backstage except for during drop off and pick up, unless you are signed up as a backstage volunteer. This keeps everything streamlined and organized so the show runs smoothly and everyone is accounted for! Each class has helpers/staff assigned to them and no students are allowed to leave. Our youngest dancers have crafts, coloring pages and movies playing in their dressing room, so there is no shortage of fun! All dancers come back out at the very end of the show for a final bow before returning to their dressing rooms where you can pick them up after the show concludes.

Can I still sign up to be a backstage volunteer? Yes! We could definitely use some help! Volunteers do not need a ticket to the show and can watch their child’s class from the FRONT ROW! Read more info on the responsibilities and SIGN UP BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW.

If I ordered recital merchandise, when do I pick that up? Recital t-shirts, pictures, keepsake program yearbooks, recital trophies and stuffed animals will be available for pickup in the lobby of the theatre on stage rehearsal and recital day – you just give your child’s name and class time to pick them up. It’s up to you when you give them to your student. Recital video downloads will be available about 4-6 weeks after the show.

Any other questions? Email is the easiest way to reach us during this busy time of year. [email protected]